Sage Steele DESTROYS Whoopi Goldberg And The View For RUNNING From Debates (VIDEO)

In a recent episode of The View, host Sage Steele passionately addressed the issue of avoiding debates, particularly highlighting Whoopi Goldberg’s stance on the matter. Steele’s candid remarks shed light on what she perceives as a problematic trend within the show.

Throughout the segment, Steele did not hold back in expressing her disappointment with the show’s handling of debates, accusing Goldberg and her fellow hosts of evading contentious topics rather than engaging in meaningful discussions. She called attention to what she sees as a pattern of “rage quitting” when confronted with challenging viewpoints.

Steele’s critique resonated with many viewers, who took to social media to express their support for her bold stance. The hashtag #SageSteeleDestroysTheView quickly gained traction, with users applauding Steele for her courage in speaking out against what they view as intellectual cowardice.

The debate over debates is not a new one, but Steele’s passionate plea for open dialogue has reignited the conversation. As the public grapples with issues ranging from politics to social justice, the need for civil discourse has never been more pressing. Steele’s call to action serves as a reminder that avoiding difficult conversations only serves to perpetuate division and misunderstanding.

Moving forward, it remains to be seen how The View and its hosts will respond to Steele’s criticism. Will they embrace her challenge to engage more deeply with opposing viewpoints, or will they continue to shy away from controversy? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, Steele’s bold stance has sparked a much-needed conversation about the role of debate in our society. As viewers, we have a responsibility to hold our media accountable and demand that they provide us with thoughtful, respectful discourse. With voices like Steele’s leading the charge, perhaps we can create a culture where debates are not feared, but embraced as opportunities for growth and understanding.