Oprah on What You Learn When Under Pressure (video)

Oprah has a wealth of experience to draw from when it comes to navigating pressure. Here’s what she might say about what she’s learned:

“When you’re under pressure, that’s when you truly discover what you’re made of. It’s like a crucible that reveals your strengths and weaknesses. I’ve learned that pressure can either crush you or propel you forward—it all depends on how you handle it.

One of the most important things I’ve learned is the power of resilience. In the face of adversity, you have to dig deep and find that inner strength to keep going. It’s about refusing to be defeated, no matter how tough the circumstances may be.

I’ve also learned the importance of perspective. When you’re under pressure, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the immediate challenges. But taking a step back and seeing the bigger picture can provide much-needed clarity and help you make better decisions.

Another key lesson is the value of teamwork. No one achieves greatness alone. Surrounding yourself with a strong support system and being willing to lean on others when you need help is essential.

Ultimately, what you learn when you’re under pressure is what you’re truly capable of. It’s in those moments of adversity that you discover your own resilience, courage, and determination.”