Katt Williams On This is How You Know Donald Trump Surprises Her (video)

Katt Williams, the comedian known for his sharp wit and unapologetic humor, often shares insightful and humorous takes on current events and political figures. Given that Donald Trump is a figure who has always elicited strong reactions, it’s no surprise that Williams might have some colorful commentary on him.

In discussing how one might be surprised by Donald Trump, Williams might play on Trump’s unpredictable nature and penchant for making bold and often controversial statements. He might quip about how Trump’s every move seems designed to keep people guessing, whether it’s his tweets, policy decisions, or even his choice of attire.

Williams might also poke fun at the idea of someone being genuinely surprised by Trump, suggesting that if you’re still taken aback by anything he does, you probably haven’t been paying attention for the past few years. He might deliver this observation with his trademark mix of incredulity and amusement, highlighting the absurdity of some of Trump’s actions while also acknowledging his ability to defy expectations.

Overall, Katt Williams’ take on how you know Donald Trump surprises you would likely be a blend of satire, insight, and a healthy dose of irreverence.