Cardi B Says Violence Is Never The Answer, Except With “Some B*tches”

In a recent candid discussion, Cardi B shared her views on violence, emphasizing that it is generally not a solution but acknowledging exceptions in certain situations. Known for her unfiltered and outspoken personality, Cardi B’s statements have once again sparked conversations and debates among her fans and the public.

Violence: Not the Answer

Cardi B, the Grammy-winning rapper and social media influencer, has often been vocal about her stance on various social issues. During a recent interview, she reiterated that violence is not the answer to most problems. She stressed the importance of finding non-violent solutions and highlighted the detrimental effects violence can have on individuals and communities. “Violence,” she said, “only breeds more violence and doesn’t solve the underlying issues.”

The Exceptions: “Some B*tches”

However, Cardi B did not stop at a blanket condemnation of violence. She introduced a controversial caveat by stating that there are exceptions to her rule. In her words, violence might be warranted with “some b*tches.” This phrase, laden with the provocative language Cardi is known for, suggests a more personal and nuanced perspective.

Context Matters

Understanding Cardi B’s comments requires considering the context in which they were made. Cardi has frequently discussed her experiences growing up in a tough neighborhood and the survival instincts she developed as a result. Her experiences have shaped her views and, in her eyes, there are situations where self-defense or standing up to certain provocations is necessary.

Reactions and Interpretations

As expected, Cardi B’s statements have elicited mixed reactions. Some fans support her for keeping it real and speaking from personal experience, while others are concerned about the implications of endorsing any form of violence. Critics argue that even suggesting exceptions can be harmful, especially given her influence on young fans.

The Bigger Picture

Cardi B’s perspective highlights the complex nature of discussing violence. While it is essential to promote peace and non-violence, it’s equally important to acknowledge the realities some people face. Cardi’s comments open up a broader conversation about when, if ever, violence is justified and how society can address the root causes that lead to violent behavior.


Cardi B’s stance on violence underscores her complexity as a public figure who navigates the line between promoting peace and recognizing harsh realities. Her message, while controversial, invites a deeper dialogue on the subject, challenging us to consider our views on violence and its place in society. As with many of Cardi B’s statements, the conversation is far from over, and it remains to be seen how her audience will continue to react and engage with her nuanced perspective.