Whoopi Goldberg still voting for Joe Biden and doesn’t care if he ‘pooped his pants’ (video)

Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of “The View,” has made headlines with her unwavering support for President Joe Biden, despite various criticisms and rumors surrounding him. In a recent episode, Goldberg emphatically stated that she would still vote for Biden, even if he “pooped his pants.” Her remark underscores her strong belief in Biden’s leadership and policies, regardless of any personal or trivial issues.

Goldberg’s endorsement of Biden comes at a time when his administration faces numerous challenges, including managing the post-pandemic economy, addressing climate change, and handling international relations. Critics have often targeted Biden’s age and occasional verbal gaffes, but Goldberg dismisses these concerns as distractions from his substantive achievements and policy goals.

On “The View,” Goldberg elaborated on her stance, emphasizing that she values Biden’s experience, empathy, and commitment to progressive causes. She argued that his decades of public service and his ability to navigate complex political landscapes make him the right person to lead the country. Goldberg also pointed out the significant legislative victories during his tenure, such as the American Rescue Plan and bipartisan infrastructure bill, which she believes have had a positive impact on Americans’ lives.

Goldberg’s comment about Biden’s hypothetical personal mishap was meant to highlight her belief that such minor or irrelevant incidents should not overshadow the broader and more important issues at stake. She urged voters to focus on Biden’s policies and actions rather than being swayed by superficial or sensationalist narratives.

Her unwavering support also reflects a broader sentiment among many of Biden’s supporters who prioritize his policy agenda and leadership qualities over personal imperfections. In a political climate often dominated by negative campaigning and character attacks, Goldberg’s message is a call for voters to look beyond the noise and evaluate candidates based on their ability to govern effectively.

In conclusion, Whoopi Goldberg’s steadfast support for Joe Biden, humorously expressed through her recent comment, underscores her belief in his capability to lead the nation. Her remarks serve as a reminder to prioritize substantive policy discussions over trivial distractions in evaluating political leaders.