Whoopi Goldberg Discusses Her New Book and Concerns About Fascism with Nicolle Wallace

Whoopi Goldberg recently sat down with Nicolle Wallace to discuss her new book, Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me. The conversation delved into deeply personal themes, reflecting on Goldberg’s relationships with her mother and brother. However, it also ventured into the realm of politics and societal issues, spurred by a poignant article Goldberg wrote. In the article, she expressed a bittersweet relief that her mother and brother were not alive to witness Donald Trump’s presidency.

Wallace referenced this article, leading to a broader discussion about the current state of democracy in the United States. Goldberg did not mince words when addressing the rise of authoritarian tendencies, stating, “Fascism is not something we should be playing around with.” Her comment underscores a growing concern among many about the erosion of democratic norms and the increasing polarization in American politics.

Throughout the interview, Goldberg highlighted the importance of remaining vigilant against threats to democratic principles. She emphasized that the fight against fascism is not merely a historical lesson but a contemporary battle that requires active participation from all citizens. Goldberg’s passionate discourse reflects her enduring commitment to social justice and her belief in the power of informed, engaged citizenship.

In Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me, Goldberg not only pays tribute to her loved ones but also weaves in her observations on the societal changes she has witnessed over the years. Her conversation with Wallace serves as a reminder of the vital need to protect democratic values and resist any form of authoritarianism.