Acolyte Star Says The DUMBEST Cringe Possible on The View with Whoopi Goldberg!

In a recent episode of “The View,” an unexpected moment occurred when an actor from the upcoming series “The Acolyte” made a comment that quickly drew criticism and was labeled as “cringe-worthy” by many viewers. The actor, who was promoting the new Star Wars-themed show, was joined by co-hosts including the legendary Whoopi Goldberg.

During the discussion, the actor attempted to make a humorous remark about the intense training and preparation required for their role. “You know, I had to train like a Jedi, but I still can’t open a jar of pickles!” the actor quipped, trying to draw a parallel between the rigorous physical demands of the role and an everyday struggle. Unfortunately, the joke fell flat, with an awkward silence enveloping the studio audience before a few scattered laughs were heard.

Whoopi Goldberg, known for her quick wit and ability to handle on-air gaffes, attempted to steer the conversation back on track. “Well, if you can master the Force, I’m sure those pickles will be no match for you,” she responded, injecting some humor into the situation.

However, the awkwardness didn’t end there. The actor continued, seemingly unaware of the reaction. “I mean, it’s like, what’s the point of all this Jedi training if I can’t even do basic things?” The comment drew visible cringes from the co-hosts, who quickly moved on to a different topic.

The incident quickly became a topic of discussion on social media, with viewers expressing their secondhand embarrassment and critiquing the actor for the ill-timed joke. Many fans of “The Acolyte” and Star Wars in general voiced their disappointment, feeling that the actor’s attempt at humor detracted from the excitement surrounding the new series.

Critics pointed out that while promoting a highly anticipated show, especially one linked to such a beloved franchise, it’s important to strike a balance between being personable and maintaining the dignity of the characters and universe that fans hold dear. This moment served as a reminder of how delicate that balance can be.

In the aftermath, the actor took to social media to address the incident, expressing regret over the comment. “Hey everyone, just wanted to say sorry if my joke on ‘The View’ came off wrong. I was just trying to lighten the mood and didn’t mean to offend anyone. I’m super excited for you all to see ‘The Acolyte’ and hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.”

While the actor’s comment might not be remembered as one of the most eloquent moments in television history, it certainly highlighted the unpredictable nature of live TV and the importance of quick thinking and adaptability in handling unexpected situations.