Get in the Booth! Akademiks reacts to Cardi B’s live going off on Bia after dissin her on “Wanna be”

In a recent episode of “Get in the Booth!,” DJ Akademiks reacted to the heated exchange between Cardi B and Bia, sparked by Bia’s diss on her track “Wanna Be.” Here’s a breakdown of the situation and Akademiks’ take on it:

The Incident

  • Cardi B’s Live Reaction: Cardi B took to Instagram Live to address the diss aimed at her by Bia in the song “Wanna Be.” In her live stream, Cardi passionately defended herself, calling out Bia for the perceived disrespect and making it clear that she wasn’t going to let the slight go unanswered.
  • Bia’s Diss: In “Wanna Be,” Bia seemingly took shots at Cardi B, though the exact lyrics and context leading to the feud weren’t detailed in Akademiks’ reaction.

Akademiks’ Reaction

  • Initial Response: DJ Akademiks was quick to weigh in on the feud, expressing surprise at the intensity of Cardi B’s response. He noted that while beefs and diss tracks are common in hip-hop, Cardi’s reaction showcased her unwillingness to back down when challenged.
  • Analysis of the Diss: Akademiks dissected Bia’s lyrics in “Wanna Be,” discussing how the lines might have been interpreted as a diss by Cardi B. He emphasized that in the competitive world of rap, artists often use such tracks to assert dominance and provoke reactions.
  • Cardi B’s Stance: He praised Cardi for standing her ground and addressing the diss head-on. Akademiks highlighted how Cardi’s background and rise in the industry have shaped her no-nonsense attitude toward any form of disrespect.
  • Impact on Both Artists: Akademiks speculated on the potential impact of this feud on both artists’ careers. He suggested that while such conflicts can boost visibility and streams, they also risk escalating into more serious disputes if not handled carefully.

The Broader Context

  • Hip-Hop Culture: Feuds and diss tracks are a long-standing tradition in hip-hop, often fueling creativity and competition among artists. Akademiks pointed out that these conflicts can sometimes lead to iconic moments in music history.
  • Social Media’s Role: The immediacy of social media allows artists to respond in real-time, amplifying conflicts and engaging fans in the drama. Cardi B’s use of Instagram Live is a testament to how artists now directly communicate with their audience and adversaries.


DJ Akademiks’ reaction underscored the volatile nature of the hip-hop industry, where rivalries can spark intense public exchanges. He commended Cardi B for her assertiveness while recognizing the potential for such feuds to escalate. The incident between Cardi B and Bia serves as a reminder of the passionate and confrontational spirit that often drives the genre.