Will Ferrell BACKS Katt Williams & SLAMS Kevin Hart & Co For BLACKLISTING Him

In a surprising development in the comedy world, actor and comedian Will Ferrell has publicly expressed his support for fellow comedian Katt Williams while taking a swipe at Kevin Hart and others for allegedly blacklisting Williams. The statement has stirred considerable debate and shed light on tensions within the comedy community.

The Allegations

Katt Williams, known for his sharp wit and controversial stand-up routines, has previously claimed that he was being blacklisted by certain figures in the comedy industry, including Kevin Hart. Williams has suggested that his outspoken nature and refusal to conform to industry norms have led to his marginalization.

Will Ferrell’s Stand

Will Ferrell, a prominent figure in comedy and film, recently voiced his support for Williams. In an interview, Ferrell praised Williams for his talent and criticized the alleged efforts to blacklist him.

“Katt Williams is one of the most talented comedians out there,” Ferrell stated. “It’s a shame if industry politics are keeping him from getting the opportunities he deserves. We should be celebrating diverse voices, not silencing them.”

Ferrell’s comments have added weight to Williams’ claims and sparked a broader conversation about fairness and inclusivity in the comedy world.

Criticism of Kevin Hart

Ferrell did not shy away from calling out Kevin Hart, who is widely seen as one of the most influential comedians in the industry today. Ferrell accused Hart and his associates of using their power to hinder Williams’ career.

“Kevin Hart has done amazing things, but if he’s part of a system that sidelines other comedians for their views or styles, that’s a problem,” Ferrell said. “We need to support each other, not tear each other down.”

Industry Reaction

The reactions within the comedy community have been mixed. Some comedians and industry insiders have come forward to support Ferrell’s stance, while others have defended Hart, arguing that the claims of blacklisting are exaggerated or unfounded.

Kevin Hart has yet to respond publicly to Ferrell’s comments. However, given Hart’s prominence and the seriousness of the allegations, many expect him to address the issue soon.

Broader Implications

This controversy touches on larger issues of power dynamics and inclusivity in the entertainment industry. If true, the allegations of blacklisting could prompt a reassessment of how opportunities are distributed and how differing viewpoints are treated within the comedy world.


Will Ferrell’s unexpected support for Katt Williams and his criticism of Kevin Hart have brought attention to potential injustices within the comedy industry. As the story develops, it may lead to a deeper examination of industry practices and foster a more inclusive environment for all comedians, regardless of their style or opinions.