“I haven’t been starstruck in a long time” – Jason details celebrity run-ins during Super Bowl week

During Super Bowl week, Jason Kelce, known for his role as a star player in the NFL, shared some interesting anecdotes about his encounters with celebrities. One notable remark he made was, “I haven’t been starstruck in a long time,” indicating that he’s accustomed to rubbing shoulders with famous individuals.

Kelce’s comment sheds light on the glamorous side of professional sports, where athletes often find themselves mingling with celebrities from various industries. It suggests that for someone like Kelce, who is used to the spotlight and the attention that comes with it, meeting famous personalities is just another part of the job.

His statement also hints at the level of exposure and networking opportunities available to athletes, especially during major events like the Super Bowl. It underscores the allure of celebrity culture and the excitement that comes with encountering well-known figures.

Overall, Kelce’s remarks provide a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes experiences of athletes during high-profile events, offering fans a unique perspective on the intersection of sports and celebrity culture.