Seal Slams Oprah Winfrey, Implies She Knew About Harvey Weinstein’s Misconduct (video)

In a shocking turn of events, singer Seal has publicly criticized Oprah Winfrey, suggesting that she was aware of Harvey Weinstein’s misconduct long before it came to light. This accusation has sent shockwaves through Hollywood, as Oprah has long been seen as a champion for women’s rights and a vocal supporter of the #MeToo movement.

Seal’s comments came in the wake of Oprah’s powerful speech at the Golden Globe Awards, where she addressed the importance of speaking out against sexual harassment and abuse. While many praised her words, Seal took to social media to express his skepticism, posting a photo of Oprah with Weinstein and implying that her activism might be hypocritical.

The image Seal shared was accompanied by the caption, “When you have been part of the problem for decades, but suddenly they all think you are the solution.” He insinuated that Oprah’s close relationship with Weinstein suggests she may have been aware of his actions and yet chose to remain silent.

This accusation raises serious questions about the extent to which influential figures in Hollywood knew about Weinstein’s behavior and failed to act. Oprah has not directly addressed Seal’s claims, but her representatives have emphasized her commitment to supporting survivors of abuse and her long-standing work in promoting equality and justice.

The controversy has sparked a broader discussion about accountability in the entertainment industry. While it remains unclear what Oprah knew about Weinstein’s misconduct, Seal’s allegations have added another layer to the complex narrative of power, complicity, and silence in Hollywood. As more voices continue to emerge, the industry faces ongoing scrutiny and the challenge of reconciling public personas with private actions.