How Whoopi Goldberg’s Mother Taught Her to Cover Her Tracks (video)

In her new memoir and various interviews, Whoopi Goldberg has shared poignant anecdotes about her upbringing, including the lessons imparted by her mother. One particularly memorable lesson was how her mother taught her to “cover her tracks.”

Goldberg recounts that her mother’s advice wasn’t about deceit or dishonesty but rather about self-preservation and survival in a world where being different often invited discrimination and prejudice. Growing up as a Black woman in America, Goldberg learned early on the importance of navigating societal expectations while staying true to herself.

Her mother’s guidance was rooted in practical wisdom and a deep understanding of the realities of racism and inequality. She taught Goldberg how to present herself in a way that would protect her from harm and prejudice without compromising her identity or integrity.

Covering her tracks meant knowing when to speak up and when to stay silent, when to assert herself and when to blend into the background. It was a lesson in adaptability and resilience, teaching Goldberg to navigate the complexities of race, gender, and class with grace and dignity.

Through her mother’s teachings, Goldberg learned the importance of self-preservation and self-respect in a world that often sought to diminish her worth. It was a lesson that would serve her well throughout her life and career, empowering her to challenge stereotypes and defy expectations with courage and conviction.

As Goldberg continues to inspire audiences with her talent and activism, her mother’s lessons remain a guiding force in her life. By honoring her mother’s wisdom and embracing her own identity unapologetically, Goldberg embodies the spirit of resilience and empowerment that defines her remarkable journey.